What do I do?

  • Have the “fear of the Lord” in your heart.  (the fear of the Lord means to walk in His ways) Proverbs 8:13
  • Learn  the 10 Commandments, Exodus 20, the 2 that Jesus shared in Matthew 22: 37-40, and what Apostle Paul shares in 1 Corinthians 9: 6-11.
  • We are Not saved by works but Grace; however, when we are “saved” /”born again” we begin to do what the Word says because the Bible says that faith without works is useless/death. In addition, learning these will let you know the condition of your heart, what to repent from and that we all Need Jesus, We are sinners who need a Savior.
  • Teach the Commandments to your children. How will they know if they are sinning if they can’t state what they are? (these are lessons in “principles”///values” and the golden rule!
  • Read the Bible daily and put on the armor of God, Ephesians 6:11-17.  Spend time doing a devotional with God.  It’s a time to talk to Him and Learn from the greatest instructional manual ever-the Bible.
  • Study and learn scripture verses as this is the sword. The Word Renews our Mind. Begin to declare it. This is your faith talk.
  • Pray daily, this is your time with the KING. You & the Lord determine the amount of time in prayer.
  • Commit and be intentional about prayer.  Where & when do you go into the secret place?
  • Practice “FASTING”! this is how we humble ourselves before the Lord & see the yokes broken off our lives & those we pray for. (start with a just a morning fast on Sundays or whatever day you choose)
  • Seek Deliverance as this is the children’s bread. Ask the Lord to set you free. Your life will never be the same.
  • Pray that God gives you the opportunity, boldness, and courage to share the gospel of Jesus with Love.
  • Pray for your husband, your marriage, your children, your friends, and those who are lost.
  • Pray for your future and that of your husband & children.
  • Find your tribe. Esthers need Esthers (this is usually not a very large group, 3-5 women who intercede for one another)/they go to war with you in the spirit.)
  • attend a church where you can worship as a family, fellowship, and receive Biblical sound doctrine. Church is a place for community, where you grow,  worship, feel God’s presence and love.  It’s a place where your children will be taught values & morals and the importance of honoring their parents. It’s a place to heal. There are NO perfect people in church.  It’s a place where people gather to seek God and find encouragement in times of trouble.
  • Worship the Lord and give thanks for all things. Sing hymns and songs. It is here where His presence is felt in a mighty way.
  • Let go of all resentment and anger. Do not hold a grudge, anger, hatred, and un-forgiveness in your heart.  Forgive so that God will forgive you.
  • Set healthy boundaries. Not everyone is meant to sit at your table. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that things go back to being the way they were.  It’s not amnesia. It doesn’t mean allowing others access to your life and home.  The bible says that bad company corrupt good morals. Sometimes and sadly  we must set boundaries from people in your own family. Forgiveness lets go of the debt, let’s go of the anger, and hurt. Healthy boundaries protect our hearts and let’s us live in peace.
  • Pray this scripture on yourself and family. It’s asking God to change us from within    Ezequiel 36:26 “Give me a new heart, remove my heart of stone, give me a heart of flesh, pour your Spirit into me…”
  • Give your best in your home, family, marriage, personal care, and at work. Our best is a sweet offering to the Lord.
  • Do NOT involve yourself in “winebibbing,  gluttony & gossiping” – Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and Ambassadors of Christ.
  • Psalm 109 teaches us that complaining, cursing, negative talk returns to our bodies and causes harm to our bones. We curse ourselves with poverty, disease, and misfortunes by the way we talk. Change your vocabulary to positive talk. Learn to speak Life. Speak the scriptures full of positive affirmations over your life, family, and every situation.
  • Dress modestly. Esthers are elegant, feminine, and beautiful no matter what size or shape. We are “NOT” sexy saints!
  • Walk in the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and Self-control Galatian 22.
  • Spend quality time with your children. Do fun activities that bind you as a family and create wonderful memories. Love them and be kind. Speak life !
  • Go on regular & weekly date nights  alone with your husband. You are his Queen and he is your King.
  • These are recommendations for A Call to Action. We all have our walk and relationship with God and we may not do all  the things on this list. The important thing is to start putting God first and watch how He makes our path straight.

Father God, I come before you in the name of Jesus. I want you to be the most important person in my life. I want to live for You. Break every chain that has me bound in the name of Jesus. Forgive me of my sins and help me to walk in righteousness. Help me teach Your commandments & Your Word to my children and instruct them in your ways. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. I want to wake up every day knowing that God has a plan for my family and my life. I want to wake up knowing that there is a hedge of protection around us. I want to have an unquenchable desire to study the Bible and pray. I want the Holy Spirit to burn a fire in my soul and bring me and my family closer to Jesus. Finish what you started in me. Take me to that place where I am living for You and let me be your Hands and Feet. I give you the glory and honor for there is none like you my God.  “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord!”