Tashianna, also known as Tasha, is a 22 year old young adult who graduated from Bible Institute’s 2 1/2 year program at Better Life Worship Center. She not only studied the scriptures, learned sound doctrine, but demonstrated a natural gifting as a teacher of the Word & preacher sharing the gospel & the amazing wonders of God to her peers & the congregation.
Tasha encountered Jesus at the age of 19. Growing up, Tasha was raised by her mother with the help & assistance of her strong family unit that included her grandmother and aunt. It truly took a village. She had a distant relationship with her father due to him being mostly absent in her life with intermittent interactions & influence. Tasha’s family experienced “church hurt ” and traumatic encounters within the church which caused a falling away of their faith & trust in the institution of what we call “the church”. As a result, her mother raised her with the option of choosing the church she wanted to attend and even the religion of her choice.
A friend from her job at the time invited Tasha to church. She began attending services at church regularly but then COVID happened. She could no longer attend services as church was closed to the public or to a very limited amount of people. She would go to her friend’s house and watched the services online. Later, Tasha found a new home church where she began to serve as an Usher. As she began to serve and seek God, He began to change & mold her. He began to change the heart. God began to remove her selfish desires as she served others whether as an Usher or a Youth teacher. She got to a point in her life that as she served others, God was reconstructing her heart. She would learn many lessons on forgiveness, rejecting offense, seeking God, and the joy of answered prayers.
- What does it mean to be an Esther?
I believe that to be an Esther means to stand in the gap for those that are oppressed. In the same way that Esther had to go to the King on behalf of the Jews so that they wouldn’t be completely destroyed. We have the same privilege and responsibility as believers. Through Jesus and His sacrifice, we can boldly go to the throne of God and plea and intercede for others. We are the light of the World, a city set on hill can not be hidden but shines it light for all to see, Matthew 5:14. - What does following Jesus mean to you? To follow Jesus means to represent Him in everything that we do , in the way that we walk, talk, and go about our everyday lives. To follow Jesus means to lay down our fleshly and sinful desires for the sake that he may be known. To be a disciple means to pick up our cross daily in pursuit of Him and know his great love. I lived in the dark for 19 years and my heart goes to those that don’t know Him. I want to be His Hands & Feet. I want to serve others as Christ came to serve. I want people to be saved, healed, and delivered from all strongholds. I just want people to experience the greatest love of my life, Jesus!
Love, Tasha