I recall receiving Christ in my heart when I was 20 yrs old. It was in the privacy of my room, listening to a preacher on the radio & the verse that brought me to my knees was in the book of Hebrew 3:15 “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion”. Before I was born again, there was a time in my life when I thought I needed everyone’s approval, especially my father’s, who happened to be overly protective. Even though I knew he loved me, I always felt or heard this little voice that kept murmuring that I wasn’t good enough. These thoughts began to dictate my spirit. Many times God was trying to connect with me somehow through situation, people etc. I was young and simply gave in to those dark thoughts. I remember that terrible day very well. I was home alone and my boyfriend called me on the phone, (the one I thought loved me so much) and told me he was leaving me. My heart dropped at the sound of his words. I literally felt like my whole world collapsed and while I pleaded for him not to by asking why, he stood stern in his decision. I could not hang up and he was still there listening. I could sense he wanted to go. This little voice in my head told me I couldn’t loose him and somehow I felt that I needed to do whatever it took to retain him. The next thing I did was horrendous. My father had always taken meds. I went to his medicine cabinet and while on the phone, took a handful of sleeping pills and said goodbye. A long story short, my boyfriend called 911 and all I remember was passing out in my kitchen floor and waking up at the hospital. I was ashamed, embarrassed, at the lowest possible point in my life, and I needed a Savior desperately. Even then, I didn’t want to lose control, but it didn’t take long before I finally did. I went to the very church that preacher in the radio attended and got baptized along with my mom, who also repented and gave her life to Christ that same day.

These are (in order) the positions or ministries I operated in: 1. Music leader(Front line singer).17yrs2. Sunday School Teacher Assistant.5yrs3. Acting Ministry.1yr4. Pastor’s Wife. 4yrs5. Nursery Director.3yrs6. Missions. 4yrs(?)7. Karate Instructor(Sensei).4yrs*I was a Fitness Coach for about 8-9 years.*Graduated with an Associate Degree in Science from Florida Metropolitan University and worked as a Registered Medical Assistant for 7 years.*Earned a fourth degree Blackbelt in the style of Goju-Ryu Karate from the Academy of Martial Arts in P. R.*Nominated-Goju Ryu Karate-Do Hall of Famer 2019*Honorary Member of Blackbelt
I thank Almighty God, my Lord & SAVIOR YESHUA, JESUS for giving me Life more abundantly!
How has being an “Esther” and following Jesus changed your life?
When coming across the name of Esther, I immediately visualize a woman who knows her Lord very well & cannot see herself apart from Him. Being an Esther has challenged me in so many ways to become a better human being in all the particular areas of my life, like being a wife, mother, worker, mentor and a follower of Christ. Following Jesus is a continuous renewal of my mind, so as to say, a constant prayer & decision to seek him on a daily basis.

How has knowing Jesus helped you in your home, marriage, family and where planted?
Knowing my Savior Jesus Christ has helped me see clearly that I don’t have to go through life alone. Once Jesus entered my life & I accepted His Word in my heart, I began to apply it to every area of my life & saw that it was good! I realized that knowing about my personal Savior was not enough and neither was just quoting His word but the most challenging part of all was to give it wings, to actually put it to action. Once I started walking in His Word, I began to embrace the true essence of living in Him!
Why is Jesus the most important person in my life?
Jesus Christ has to be the most important person in my life because of who He is, what He did for me, He knows me better than my earthly parents & because He is my breath of life. I look at it this way, the holy scriptures were inspired by God, therefore the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
What do you do to be an “Esther”?
I allow Him in every area of my life, getting to know Him better by first acknowledging what He did for me, His resurrection, reading, and studying & applying His word to every area of my life. I believe in God’s commandments, forgiveness, mercy, hope and love.
Much Love,
Vimary Aviles
email: vfitlive@gmail.com Instagram: livevfit
phone: 863-614-8167