
The Prodigal Daughter

Many people ask themselves how could someone who was raised in the church & the fear of the Lord become a prodigal daughter? And I’m not talking about a person …

Finding Queen Esther

            Reading through the books of the old testament and discovering the amazing characters and historical events, one character stood out amongst the rest. At first, I thought that my …

End Time Prophecies

Have you ever read the book of revelation in the Bible and not understood a word? Don’t feel embarrassed, most of us have and even what we’ve understood was so …

Who was Zipporah?

In the book of Exodus, we read that Zipporah was the wife of Moses. They had two sons. The bible didn’t say much about her but there were a few …

Repent, Pray, Love

The other day I watched the movie “Eat, Pray, Love” on Netflix. I thought the movie was wonderfully made and I just love the performance of Julia Roberts. Her smile …