The Art of Forgiveness: Out of the Pit – into the Blessing


No one likes to be in the “pit”. There’s an unshakeable sense of isolation and abandonment. However, being in the “pit” for a certain amount of time is necessary and valuable. (this could be a spiritual experience as a physical one) It’s in the “pit” where God begins to change us, strengthen us, and it’s where He begins to show us the condition of our hearts.

In the Bible, there was a young 17 year old dreamer that would experience the trials of being in the pit for an “extended stay”. He would taste and experience the pain of being part of a toxic family, be the victim of betrayal, undergo loneliness, fear, abandonment, and terror of the unknown. It would appear to be the darkest and saddest time in his life. And when we finish reading his story, we would also discover that what he went through was actually for his good and not evil. When we are faced with a difficult challenge, situation, illness, or trial, we tend to feel hopeless and we too begin to cry out to God. But God assures us through the Word and the countless historical accounts written in this great book known as the Bible, that He’s already there in the future and everything really works out for our good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Let’s travel back in time to the book of Genesis chapter 37 in the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob and Raquel. The story is set in the land of Canaan. Joseph had 11 brothers. He was the favorite. Everyone knew that Jacob loved Joseph more than all the others. Now, Before I explain what happened I need to back up just a bit and explain why he was the favorite. You see, Joseph was the son of Jacob at an old age and he was the first born son of the love of his life “Raquel”, the only woman he loved and wanted as a wife. He was given Raquel’s sister Leah as a wife by trickery and obligation. Leah and the hand-maidens given to Jacob as wives bore him many siblings. Raquel would conceive one more son named Benjamin and would die tragically during his birth.

Now, going back to Joseph. Jacob adored Joseph. He had given him a colored robe to wear and would send Joseph to check on his brothers when tending to the animals. These acts brought jealousy and envy on all his brothers and Joseph would soon feel their wrath. To top off the insult, Joseph received dreams and he would reveal it to his brothers and parents causing even more envy. God would show Joseph the future in his dreams. Joseph had not learned to keep things to himself and Instead this became the very act that drove his brothers into madness. (note to self, our dreams are not always to be shared with others. We must seek discernment from God. Some dreams are given for us to intercede and pray and or simply God is communicating with us and letting us know what is happening or will occur. ) The bible says, that his brothers sought to kill Joseph and they would of if Ruben hadn’t intervened. (here’s a perfect example where jealousy, envy, and hatred can lead to murder) Joseph’s brothers placed him in a “pit” and when a caravan of Ishmaelites passed by, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery on a journey to Egypt. When they returned to their father, they lied saying that a wild animal had devoured Joseph.

Joseph was now a slave in a foreign land and placed in Potifer’s house. Potifer had the position of being in charge of the King’s prisoners. We begin to see the hand of God. You see Joseph was very smart, handsome, and talented. God had separated Joseph for such a time with favor. Joseph had unwillingly entered God’s leadership training program. It wouldn’t be easy and he would be tested but the Bible says that God was with him.

You too may have suffered betrayal, abandonment, and isolation in your life but just like Joseph, God promises to never leave you nor forsake you. You too may have endured many trials but if you’re faithful and seek Him, God will fulfill all His purpose in your life. The plans He has for you are for good and not evil. He wants to give you an expected end.

For Joseph, he would be in slavery for 12-13 years. He found himself literally in the “pit” twice. The first account was being throne in the pit before he was sold into slavery and the 2nd time was after he ran from the seduction of Potifer’s wife as she accused him of trying to have his way with her when he rejected her advances. But Joseph did not fail God, instead he ran, passed the test before God but nonetheless was judged and thrown in the “pit” . He would be in the prison dungeon for the following 2-3 years.

Joseph had to be one special person because anyone would have lost their mind or given up all hope after the betrayal and harm by his own family. Anyone else would have succumbed to the temptation of a beautiful woman constantly making advances at him. He could have fallen into lust & adultery but he didn’t. He ran away from sin because he was a man of integrity and feared God.

God saw Joseph and not only did He not abandon him but I think God regularly spoke to him in dreams & visions. While all this was happening, Joseph continued to find favor. Although he was isolated once again, he had learned managerial skills from working in Potifer’s house and running the household. Now in the dungeon, he was placed in a leadership role running & managing the prisoners. Joseph’s experiences were his training ground. God was preparing him for the role of a lifetime. He taught him humility before he would eventually be elevated into a position of power. This is exciting news to hear because it means that the very areas you are experiencing pain and hardship are the very areas that God will use for His glory.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, “why did I have to go through this pain?” these betrayals? “these heartaches?” but one day everything will be revealed. I believe that all your pain was a teaching ground for the important destiny on your life. God’s leadership program demands forgiveness, surrender, obedience, resiliency, and knowing how to set limits and boundaries. It teaches you to acquire discernment as not all who are around you are for you! It teaches you that even family can and will betray you given the right circumstances. Like Joseph, your pain wasn’t for nothing. There was a reason behind your tears, betrayal, pain, and sorrow. And I know we don’t want to go through any of it but God stands in the future and He knows the skills that you will have to gain in order to fulfill the calling and destiny on your life. You are called and chosen. The bigger the struggle and heartache, the bigger the calling to serve and lead. But you can’t lead with a heavy heart or an unforgiving heart. You can’t lead with pride and hurt. During this process you will be molded and your character will shine like a diamond in the midst of the heat & pressure.

One of the things that I see in Joseph’s life was that he spent a lot of time alone with God. He didn’t have anyone else to turn to and he found Him. Joseph’s ability to get out of the “pit” and into his blessings was founded on that time spent learning in the secret place with God where he talked to God and God spoke to him in visions and in dreams. I believe that Joseph’s biggest lessons were humility and surrender.

While Joseph was in the dungeon, he interpreted the dreams of 2 inmates, the King’s butler and the baker. Both his interpretations came true as he interpreted them. The butler was restored to his position by the King and the baker was killed. Two years had passed and the King had a disturbing dream that no one could interpret. The butler remembered Joseph and he was called to the Palace to go before the King.

While I was reading this part of the story something stuck out. Joseph wasn’t dragged straight to see the King immediately. There was a protocol to follow. There’s always a process that we can’t skip. Joseph had to change!

He got washed and cleansed. They cut his hair and was shaven. They put clean and presentable clothes on his back. Joseph was about to meet the King. When you go before the King, it’s just the kind of thing that happens. You don’t stay the same. In His presence, you are washed clean. He changes you and causes you to walk righteously and with reverence. We are no longer the same. We don’t continue to walk in our filthy rags. Something beautiful happens when you go before the King. So imagine, every day when you get to go before the King, what do you do? We repent, change, and get cleansed by His blood. You can’t stay the same. We change in His presence.

The story continues and Pharoah tells Joseph his dream. Joseph interprets it and tells Pharoah, “God has shown you what He will do. Joseph goes on to tell Pharoah that God will bring 7 years of great plenty and abundance in the land of Egypt; but after 7 years there would be 7 years of famine. The land would be depleted and it would be severe.

At this point, Joseph gave Pharoah instructions. He told him to select a wise man and set him over the land of Egypt. They were to collect 1/5 of the produce of the land in the 7 plentiful years. They were to store up grain, gather food & keep it in the cities. The preserved food should be reserved for the 7 years of famine.

Pharaoh found no one better than Joseph. He set Joseph over all the land of Egypt as only Pharoah was greater. Joseph was elevated to 2nd in command. His time of being in the pit had ended and he was beginning to walk into the blessings. Pharoah put his signet ring on Joseph, clothed him with fine linen, and put a gold chain around his neck. Joseph had received elevation and blessings. Joseph was even given a new name and a beautiful wife (Asenath daughter of a Priest). He was 30 years old when this happened. It took 12-13 years after he was taken and thrown in the pit to now walk in authority and honor.

God blessed Joseph with 2 sons before he re-encountered his brothers and experienced reconciliation. The first born son was “Manasseh” which means for God has made me forget my toils & that of my fathers house. And the second son “Ephraim” which means God has made me be “fruitful” in the land of my affliction.

I don’t know if you see it but having these 2 sons was prophetic. Joseph would soon forget the pain of what happened with his family. Only God could heal this deep rooted pain. Most of us have experienced family trauma of some sort or other, but Joseph’s family trauma was deadly. We ‘re talking attempt of murder, betrayal, and abandonment to a life of slavery. How could anyone forgive and forget something so horrible? Only God can make you forget this kind of pain in your own family. Only God could heal this heart. And in the life of Joseph, He did just this. Joseph’s brothers came to buy food once the famine began and though at first, Joseph was clearly upset and still in pain, God was able to heal his heart and he forgave them. But this didn’t happen right away. Joseph wept and grieved. Sometimes we think that forgiving comes instantly but the reality is that in order to forgive we must undergo the stages of grief such as denial, anger, attempt in bargaining, depression, and acceptance. When you read Joseph’s encounter with his brothers you could see this mourning process because he didn’t forgive them right away. It took time before he revealed who he was as he was mourning and finally let God’s love take over. God healed his heart and made him forget the pain but not the experience. He didn’t have amnesia. He chose forgiveness. Reconciliation occurred because his brothers demonstrated repentance and changed.

The second son of Joseph was Ephraim. This son’s name was prophetic as it stated that God blesses with favor & blessings even in the very place that caused him harm. God is the God of turn around. He makes all things new. When God blesses you, He not only blesses you with forgetting your pain, he blesses you with being fruitful , producing, flourishing, prospering and finding favor. The bible says that love covers a multitude of sins. (What better love than what Jesus did on the cross., John 3:16, ” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life”. ) Joseph was not only blessed with success but he got to see his father again. Jacob was an old man at this point. God blessed Jacob and Joseph by extending Jacob’s life and be with his son Joseph for another 17 years. God took him at the age of 17 but he gave back the missing years! That’s the God we serve. The God of complete restoration and abundance. God gave him the gift of time as well as favor.

I pray that this historical account in the Bible is of encouragement for you today. Know that God will never leave you nor forsake you and if you’re in the middle of your storm, just know that you’ve been enlisted in God’s training program and the outcome will be a success story. He loves you and He wants the best for you. Sometimes forgiveness is the biggest lesson that we’ll have to learn in life. If you’re like Joseph, forgiveness came with complete reconciliation but for many forgiveness comes with limits & boundaries. But whatever the case may be, God makes you forget the pain associated with the trauma. Remember that once you pass these tests for your life, God will: position you, appoint you, order your steps and give you authority. You’re gonna look different, walk different, and talk different. You’re gonna learn to guard you heart and be very selective with those who surround you. This may even mean cutting toxic, un-repentant people out of your life not because you haven’t forgiven but because you’re guarding your heart and have chosen to love from afar. This especially applies to family members.

But like Joseph, it doesn’t stop there! Now you are called to go to work! What’s your assignment? What did God place in your heart and in your dreams? What is your gifting & talents? If you write, go write, if you serve, go serve, if you sing, go sing, if you play an instrument, go play that instrument, if you teach, go teach, if you preach, go preach, if you prophecy, go prophecy, if you create, go create, if you feed the poor and the elderly, go do this, if you encourage, go encourage others, if you heal, go heal. If you are called into a leadership position in your community or business, go do it! Go be an ambassador for God’s kingdom.

Much Love XOX,

“Karly” @ finding ESTHERS

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