Who was Zipporah?


In the book of Exodus, we read that Zipporah was the wife of Moses. They had two sons. The bible didn’t say much about her but there were a few verses that spoke volumes. In Exodus 4: 24-26, you can observe that Zipporah was no ordinary woman. She understood that faith demanded obedience. She understood that the blood covenant, obedience, and righteousness were absolutely necessary to please God. Let’s read these verses.

Exodus 4:24-26. “At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it. “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me, “she said. So the Lord let him alone. (bridegroom of blood=circumcision)

Wait a minute! What just happened here. I had to read and re-read these verses. Did Zipporah just save the life of Moses? My eyes were full of inspiration as I saw a righteous woman. I saw a righteous woman who prayed for her husband. I saw a righteous woman who covered her husbands feet with the blood of the covenant. The feet represent the ministry just like we read in the new testament to shod your feet with the gospel of peace. I saw a woman who noticed that her husband was not in obedience to God. Moses was chosen to lead the people of Israel out of bondage but yet he himself did not have his house in order. He himself did not cover his sons with the blood of the covenant, the promise to be God’s people, and be set apart.

How could Moses start a rescue mission if he himself was not right before the Lord. What I read here wasn’t that Moses ran and quickly circumcised his son’s. It was his wife Zipporah who ran, circumcised her son and covered Moses’ feet with Mercy.

How frequent in today’s world are the woman like Zipporah? A woman who prays for her husband. A woman who seeks God’s favor, protection, and blessings.

How many of us are praying daily that our husbands change, get right with the Lord, or simply kneel before the presence of the Lord praying & waiting for our husbands to become the leader, the priest in our home. How many Zipporah’s seek God and understand the importance of obedience? A woman who prays for favor, health, blessings and God’s anointing upon their husbands and children.

Zipporah was no ordinary woman. She was a righteous woman. A woman who saw the Lord approaching and took action. She understood God’s laws even before He had given them to Moses. You see doing the right thing even when no one is looking is called righteousness and integrity. The result of doing the right thing finds favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Moses didn’t have just any wife. He had a praying wife. He had a righteous wife. A woman of God who knew how to pray for her family, who knew what pleased the Lord and the importance of righteousness. A woman who knelt before the presence of the Lord with her hands covered in the blood where she found mercy & favor.

A righteous woman prays like Zipporah. A righteous woman covers her family, marriage, husband, children and home with the blood of the covenant, Jesus Christ of Nazereth! The Son of the Living God! A righteous woman enters boldly into the throne of grace and asks for mercy and pleads the blood of Jesus when things aren’t going great. She pleads the blood of Jesus for God to forgive the sins of her family, her husband, and her sins. She covers her loved ones with the blood of Jesus in the middle of a trial and or disease. She covers her life and loved ones with the blood of Jesus for God to straighten their path. A righteous woman like Zipporah, covers her in and outs, her plans, present or future with the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

Zipporah was a hero! Her faith and obedience saved the life of Moses. She represents the power of a “praying wife”! She represents what our husbands can accomplish with our prayers. Zipporah, isn’t an ordinary woman. She is a righteous woman. The Bible says, “the Lord hears the prayers of the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.”

If you’re not a Zipporah, maybe her story will inspire you to become one. It starts on your knees before the throne of grace covered in the blood of the covenant. His name is Jesus!

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